The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #136 - The Haarcast



Contrary to what you might suspect from my location this week and the steady stream of silly videos from Anstruther , this podcast is not anything to do with the Fence Collective or Haarfest. Actually, apart from a few brief intrusions from my pile of audio cassettes (a lot of time in the van, you see) this is generally just the usual stream of music news and new bits and pieces from my inbox.  Actually, I am way behind my inbox at the moment, due to a week of holiday and now a week in Anstruther, and things aren't likely to get any better either, what with... oh never mind, you hear enough of my whining as it is.  Tunes... 01. Eels - Jungle Telegraph (02.32) 02. Les Shelleys - The World is Waiting for the Sunrise (07.22) 03. Broken Records - A Leaving Song (13.41) 04. Women - Heat Distraction (19.56) 05. Let's Talk About Trees - Wood of Rassay (23.50) 06. The Tragically Hip - Fireworks (31.57) 07. Grant Lee Buffalo - Testimony (35.48) 08. Inspector Tapehead - Grooming (44.48) 09. Nice Purse - Heart Medley (5