The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #135 - The Spaincast



Recorded for you from the sunny, blazing hot mountains of Andalucia, this one is a little late being uploaded because we only just got back to Scotland and I decided I might as well wait until we got home before uploading it rather than charge all around Spain trying to find somewhere to upload from and then sitting around for ages waiting for the damn thing to... well, you get the picture. I actually spent much of the week editing Toad Session videos, which seems just a tiny little bit pathetic, even to me.  Still, editing video whilst sat on the terrace with a beer, overlooking spectacular valley scenery isn't exactly a hardship, but nevertheless, a holiday should be a bit more holiday-y than that I suppose. I also think I may have happened to accidentally teach Mrs. Toad's oldest friend's kids some truly fucking appalling language too.  Honestly, who lets a retard like me anywhere near kids? 01. The Japanese War Effort - Summer Sun Skateboard (02:20) 02. Benni Hemm Hemm - Shipcracks (06:15) 03. Hobart Smit