The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #134 - The Festicast



So, the Festival descendeth upon Edinburgh once more, and once more we are beset by London-based Home County Yahs braying their zany way through the city until finally someone snaps and sets fire to their stupid fucking stilts once and for all. Actually, as I confess pretty sharpish, I am the classic Edinburgh Festival hypocrite, if I'm being honest with myself.  I love it as much as I loathe it and I enjoy moaning about it almost as much as I enjoy the Festival itself.  As a native you really do have to have the right attitude though.  If you come from outside just for the Festival then there's little chance of you failing to take advantage of it, but if you live here the only way is to do it by extremes: either totally ignore it and stay as far away as you can, or just stop moaning, get stuck in, get pished and go to lots of shows.  I tend to prefer the latter option, but I'll confess I don't always do a good job of actually taking my own advice. 01. Thee Single Spy - OK Corral (02.53) 02. Lach - A Quiet Di