The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #132 - The Fuzzcast



This wasn't particularly supposed to be all fuzzy and noisy, and in actual fact is probably isn't, except for in bits. I have been listening to the Male Bonding album a lot this week, and then the split single from Thee Ludds and The No-Brainers dropped into my inbox, and then I became fascinated by the splendid mess that is I'llfinishyrfinish and suddenly I realised I had a podcast which was pretty much all over the place. So I decided to embrace it, go for it and just appreciate the noise. There is some acoustic fuzz too, and a song by Grandaddy who can be fuzzy but often aren't, but in general if you like your music to be played on a tape recorder down the back of the sofa in the next room, you should like this. Oh, and we have the new Walkmen track and the new Cotton Jones one and all sorts. Aren't we clever. Actually, who the fuck am I calling 'we', anyway? 01. The Walkmen - Stranded (02.20)02. Grandaddy - Fuck the Valley Fudge (09.02)03. Male Bonding - Your Contact (16.19)04. Navigator - Headless Horse