The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #129 - The Housecast



Housecast?  Well, yes.  One of the things I have been trying to do since I left my grown up job is get our house vaguely under control.  I have mananged to get the boxes of albums out of the hallway and into the office now, but there is still all manner of paperwork and assorted other shit all over the place. Also, my folks are visiting at the end of next week, and you know what that means: the famous Mother-in-Law Clean.  Mrs. Toad isn't exactly a domesticated young lady, but she will be setting about the house with a bucket of bleach and a million fistfuls of wire wool over the course of the next few days I would imagine. I, on the other hand, just have to destroy the ropey old oven in the back garden with a pick axe.  Sometimes it rocks to get the man jobs!   01. Perfume Genius - Mr. Petersen (03.44) 02. Bottle of Evil - Same Old Story (10.02) 03. Cate Le Bon - Shoeing the Bones (15.17) 04. Warm Ghost - So Sick of the Sun (18.34) 05. Andrew Cedermark - Masterpieces (23.41) 06. Micah P. Hinson - Seven Horse