The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #122 - The Greencast



This podcast is called the Greencast because we have the most hobbled government in recent memory - Cameron has kinda, sorta, maybe won, in the sense that he is actually the PM. On the other hand Clegg, having been butchered at the polls, after a promising campaign, is now in a position of more influence than he was ever likely to gain from the election alone. And yet Labour, despite being deposed, seem to have come out of it all better than anyone.  They may be out of power, but they are free from the millstone of the next few years of cuts, they can sit back and watch the Tories and the Lib Dems squabble for a couple of years and achieve nothing at all, and once the coalition has made fools of themselves for a couple of years Labour can pop up again with a new, smooth, television-friendly leader and trade on the inevitable failure of the preceding government. So, as read in the Guardian, Labour may actually have won by losing.  And here are some tunes.  Utterly unrelated tunes! Toadcast #122 - The Greencast