The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #98 - Randomness



I get an awful lot of stuff in my inbox.  When I get jaded and fed up it seems like a bit of a burden, in all honesty, like I owe it to every band and every publicity monkey who ever gets in touch with me to give them complete attention and the time to let the music sink in and all these things which just aren't possible. Sometimes, though, I get in the right mood and having an inbox full of bits and bobs is an indulgent treat.  This week is one of those weeks, where I am enjoying pottering through my inbox and having a listen to this and that and basically, it's just a bit of a treat. So, after weeks of structured and themed stuff, this week I am basically playing whatever the fuck it is I fancy.  No theme, no plan no goal and no coherence in particular Toadcast #98 - Randomness 01. Stanley Brinks - The End of the World (01.42) 02. Tune Yards - Hap-B (08.09) 03. eagleowl - Laughter (17.00) 04. Stringjammer - Long Road Home (19.45) 05. Eels - Little Bird (26.09) 06. Fang Island - Daisy (31.32) 07. Candy Cl