The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #43 - The Fightcast



The Fightcast?  Yes, the fucking Fightcast.  Why?  Well because mp3 bloggers have been taking it in the arse with some force over the last week.  Posts are being deleted left right and centre, so presumably the major labels have decided to declare all-out war on blogs.  This is because they are scabby old unwashed cheesy penises.  This is not slander, I can prove it with charts and graphs. Ultimately this is about corporate control of culture.  I don't want to sound like a ranting conspiracy theorist, but put simply, this is how it works.  People pay for things they feel passionate about.  People feel passionate about art, the creation thereof and the participation therein.  Consequently any company vaguely engaged in cultural endeavours desperately wants to own the loyalty and devotion of as many people as possible, and anyone participating in this arena is a threat.  Because grassroots art has more emotional resonance with people it is an ever bigger threat and must be exterminated. They want blogs to exist