The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #20 - The Late, Late News



IT disasters in Toad Hall meant that this podacast was delayed so long that I ended up posting pretty much all of it on the blog before I got to record the thing and all the news was so outdated that I had to find some more news.  Fortunately we have some pre-release splendidness from Elbow, Goldfrapp and Stephen Malkmus to make up for it. There’s also some excellent unsigned music to be had as well, from Maxwell Panther and Meursault, as well as some  splendid new singles from Elle S’Appelle and Operahouse.  So it’s late, but some of this stuff is really quite excellent.  And then there’s LCD Soundsystem who have taken me so long to get into that I am only starting to even enjoy the album now, some eight months or so after its release.  What a fuckwit. There’s a fairly detailed explanation of what is going to be happened with Song, by Toad Records in the new year as well, and how I am going to move these podcasts onwards and upwards.  Unfortunately it takes the longest bloody link in recorded history t