The Toadcast - The Weekly Podcast From Song, By Toad

Toadcast #6 - About a Boy



Erm, I ave no idea how to explain what you're in for if you bother to listen to this I'm afraid.  The story goes like this: it was our anniversary, we were drinking and chatting and listening to music. A classic came on the stereo and we got talking about songs that would be so popular and so ingrained in popular culture that the writer of them would never have to work again and could live off the royalties, be they from television, advertising, movies or everyone wanting to cover your song.  Like that chap in about a boy, for example. Unfortunately, we were far from sober already and by the end of this, honestly: take my gin consumption, take the equivalent volume of water out of Noah's flood, and the Ark would have run aground on Clapham Common.  In Toad world, apart from slurring, that means ranting and a relatively well-conceived podcast about commercial immortality descends into a rambling, incoherent tirade against the advertising industry, with songs. So listen to it at your peril, you have been