Play Your Position With Mary Lou Kayser

366: Trey Taylor on Why a CEO Only Does Three Things



Whether you’re a new CEO trying to navigate chaotic workdays or a veteran of the C-Suite trying to reignite your passion, focus is your most important asset. Many owners and CEOs think they have to be involved in every aspect of their business. They spend valuable brainpower on low-priority decisions. Before long, they’re overworked and burned out. Trey Taylor is the managing director of trinity | blue, a consultancy designed to provide executive coaching and strategic planning to C-Suite leaders. His experience derives from fields as diverse as technology, financial services, venture capital, and commercial real estate development. Frequently featured as a keynote speaker, he has addressed attendees at the Human Capital Institute, the Ascend Conference, and many other engagements. He is also the author of A CEO Only Does Three Things, a book that goes into detail about what those three things are and why they matter.     = = = = = The Team here at PYP has put together another uplifting, insightful, and inspi