Saas Insider

093: Naomi Assaraf on Growing Your Business By Knowing Your Customer



How to target and engage prospective customers? What message does your company need in order to appeal to both small businesses and enterprises? How to grow your company through content and social media marketing?  About Naomi Assaraf  -Naomi Assaraf is co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer of cloudHQ, a profitable tech startup that makes Gmail productivity tools for clients like Uber, Autodesk, and CapitalOne. In the past two years at cloudHQ, she increased user acquisition by a factor of seven. -Assaraf specificializes in growth and is especially passionate about the process of growing startups to their profitability stage.  -She has founded three companies since her first one at age 17 and mentors other startups on growth.  -Assaraf is also a global keynote speaker and blog contributor for the Huffington Post. Her most current interests revolve around artificial intelligence and mixed reality. Key Takeaways:  -One of the biggest problems marketers face is establishing their target base: Once you do this