Saas Insider

084: Rob Rawson on Team Management and Increasing Conversion Rates



What are the benefits of working with a remote team from all over the world? How do you build trust in your prospects? How can you increase your conversion rate by forcing people to go to the next step? Robert Rawson talks to the host Shira Abel in this week's episode of SaaS Insider about running a software company, motivating the team, building trust and converting leads.  About Rob Rawson • Rob Rawson is a former medical doctor turned Entrepreneur. He has started several successful and failed businesses ventures. Now he is the founder and CEO for the products Time Doctor and which is a Software-as-a-service business with 7 figure revenue and over 60% YoY growth. They have over 5000 customers, and these customers have 25,000 employees using the software. This company is completely remote with over 60 people working full time in 28 countries. Key Takeaways:  • Working with a remote team from all over the world is both challenging and rewarding. Start by building trust by making sure everyone is b