Saas Insider

053: Klipfolio on Building Engagement, Content Metrics, and Outsourcing Work



Building an audience isn't simple, especially when most of your sales are done via the website and clicks are critical. Mychell Mollot is a data-driven CMO who focuses on what brings the most bang for her budget. In this episode we talk about KPIs, audience building, and going from an enterprise to a startup. About Mychelle Mollot Mychelle loves technology and marketing, and marketing and technology… the order depends on the day. Currently she is the CMO of Klipfolio, a Cloud real-time business dashboard company, where she is responsible for Marketing and Product Management. Before Klipfolio, Mychelle was CMO for the Websphere and Business Analytics divisions of IBM where she launched the Smarter Analytics component of IBM’s Smarter Planet. Mychelle started her career as Geophysicist doing gold exploration in the Yukon. Mychelle has a degree in Engineering Geophysics from Queen’s University. Outside of work, Mychelle loves doing anything outside with her family, particularly kayaking, hiking and cycling.