

For this episode, the first exercise requires a bit of room as we crab walk around. If you’re listening in your classroom, it might be a good idea to make sure you have a nice clear area first. Today we’re focusing on our five senses: taste, touch, smell, hear, see. Five breathing and movement activities and we end off by doing a helpful grounding technique that helps bring back control when we feel that things are out of control, especially for anyone who experiences anxiety. Check out our social media for pictures and video of the Tibetan singing bowl and the grounding technique too! Twitter @peaceoutpodcastInstagram @peaceoutstoriesFacebook @bedtimefm This season we’re heading out to space, and with that, we are introducing a new feature: SafeSPACE. We hope that as children think about and talk about where they feel safe, it opens up discussion with their families and also creates an awareness of where they can go or who they can turn to when they need it. If your child would like to share where/who/what t