Infinite Deer: A Dungeons And Dragons Podcast

Season Three, Chapter Seven: Scooby Doo Holes



Following on from last week’s adventures featuring our band attempting to get through an ancient dwarven city with life and limbs intact, we rejoin them now in the presence of an imposing (but hopefully not evil) palace. Featuring Lachlan as Hendric Stonesword, George as Ambo Phibian, Emma as Iva Chatte, Alex as Leer Flim-Flam. Hosted by Dungeon Master Sam Went. Story Having risked entering an ancient palace with questionable patio decoration, our plucky adventurers spend way too much time being meta and coining inappropriate phrases. What will they find within the well-drawn doors of the palace? Quotes George: Are there any suits of armour in which I could hide? Emma: Are there any bookcases we could hide in? *** Sam: Roll perception for a pervert painting! Find us on social media! Facebook:@infinitedeer ( Twitter: @infinite_deer ( Instagram : @infinite_deer ( Consider supporting