Let's Get Clear! With Kathy Pierson

Episode 22 Kathy Pierson On Practical Tips & Strategies To Overcome The Holiday Blues



For those with mental illness, the holiday season is often one of the most difficult times of the year. I have had many clients past and present that do NOT have a happy existence during the holiday season. People often feel the need to be happy during the holidays yet experience an extreme lack of happiness, regret, or perfection may cause people to feel shame and self-doubt. The reality is this it's important to know that during this time more than ever that you're not alone, you're needed, you're loved and you're worthy! There are up to 350,000,000 people around the world which have some type of depression, anxiety or other mental health challenge and I have created a quick read E- Book as a resource for those that experience increased challenges during the holiday season... it's my gift to you this holiday season! The title is: Mental Health & The Holidays ( Practical Tips & Strategies to Overcome The Holiday Blues) download it at the link below and share it with those in need! E-B