Solarpod Podcast

ESO_A Földtől az Univerzumig



Ezzel még tartoztam ;) Az Európai Déli Obszervatórium (ESO) Ingyenes planetáriumi műsorának magyar nyelvű hanganyaga. A magyar változatról: Hungarian version: Hungarian narration: Klári Varga Translation: András Szepesi, Borbála Kulin Consultants: György Zajácz, Mercédesz Vágó Recording: Balázs Gyarmati, Csokonai Színház Stúdió, Debrecen Editing and post production: András Szepesi Hungarian version was produced by Agóra Science Center, Debrecen From Earth to the Universe (now in v2, since 5.8.2016) is the world’s first full-length fulldome planetarium movie freely available for planetarium use. It is released here in high-resolution 4k fulldome format, for the worldwide planetarium community to download and use. This stunning, 30-minute voyage through time and space conveys, through an arresting combination of sights and sounds, the Universe revealed to us by science. Read more about the movie here. The show was produced for the ESO Su