Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Bioidentical Hormones Explained & Why They Are SAFE and EFFECTIVE



Bioidentical hormones, or body identical hormones, are both SAFE and EFFECTIVE. Learn more about these hormones and why they are so effective. There is a lot of confusion regarding what bioidentical hormones are and what they are not. Unfortunately, this confusion only seems to benefit pharmaceutical companies who want the waters to be muddy. Bioidentical hormones are hormones which are IDENTICAL to the hormones that your own body would produce in a natural state. These biological compounds can NOT be patented by pharmaceutical companies so they cannot make money off of them. Because of this, they create synthetic frakeinstein-esque hormones which look similar and then they refer to both hormones as if they are the same. Bioidentical hormones, sometimes referred to as body identical hormones, are NOT the same thing as these pharmaceutical hormones. Bioidentical hormones are MUCH safer because your body knows how to use them and knows how to handle them (it's creating them after all!). Examples of bi