Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Benefits Of Selenium For Thyroid Function



Did you know that selenium is incredibly important for your thyroid? Selenium serves some important functions in your entire body but it also has some very important benefits specific to your thyroid gland. Today, I am going to talk about why you should consider using Selenium if you have thyroid problems and how exactly it benefits your thyroid gland. #1. ENHANCES T4 to T3 conversion. T4 to T3 conversion is probably the single most important benefit that selenium provides to your body because your body only really cares about getting enough T3. Not enough selenium means not enough T3 and that's a problem. #2. REDUCES thyroid antibodies. Thyroid antibodies (such as thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin antibodies) cause DAMAGE to the thyroid gland. We have clinical studies that show that taking selenium can reduce these antibodies. #3. DECREASES thyroid inflammation.