Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Stopping thyroid medication - is it safe or possible?



Is it possible to stop taking thyroid medication once you start? The answer is sometimes but not always. There are some conditions which allow you to potentially stop taking your thyroid medication or to even reduce your dose. But if you do this without the right supervision it can be dangerous. Today, I am going to discuss 3 (or 4) different situations which relate to the idea of stopping your medication. Try to figure out which category you fit into. #1. Those who need thyroid medication. If you fit into this group then you will HAVE to use thyroid medication. People who fall into this group include those who don't have a thyroid (because it's been removed), those who have had their thyroid destroyed (with radioactive iodine), and those with a nonfunctioning thyroid gland. People who have end-stage Hashimoto's fit into this category. Even though their thyroid gland is technically in their body it is no longer functioning. #2. Those who don't need thyroid medication. The next group of people ar