Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Why you aren't feeling better (one BIG reason)



We need to talk about one of the MAIN reasons that thyroid patients (or any patients for that matter) fail to get better. This reason has to do with how you use supplements but it also applies to prescription medications and pretty much ANY therapy available. This topic has come to my mind because I have been hearing more and more about how certain people are using therapies but not feeling better. The more I hear these stories the more I realize that most of you aren't aware of how these therapies actually work. And if you miss this important step then you risk putting yourself on the RIGHT therapy but stopping it for the WRONG reasons. So something that could help you becomes something that you stop and may never look at for future treatment again! And, again, we are talking about this as it applies to supplements because these are available over the counter but this also applies to prescription medications and other natural therapies. Here are 4 things you MUST consider before you decide whether or