Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Thyroid Nodule Treatment (Natural & Medical Treatments nodules)



Do you have thyroid nodules? If so, you have probably wondered, at least at some point, how to treat or reduce the size of those nodules. And that's exactly what we are going to be talking about today. Natural treatments for thyroid nodules and just thyroid nodule treatment in general. We will include some natural therapies as well as some medical therapies because they may be necessary for some people. But first, why should you care about thyroid nodules? The main concern is not the nodule itself but what the nodule can turn into. And, of course, I'm talking about thyroid cancer. All thyroid nodules have a small risk of being cancerous or turning into cancer at some point in the future. Because of this, it behooves you as the patient to try and minimize this risk as MUCH as possible. The good news is that MOST thyroid nodules are benign and NOT cancerous (about 95%) but you should still take care to minimize your risk of thyroid cancer. So how do you treat thyroid nodules? Here are 6 steps you woul