Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Thyroid Supplements and Weight Loss (Which to avoid & which to use)



Can you use thyroid supplements to help with weight loss? The answer is probably not as straightforward as you might think. We will talk about WHY this isn't the right way to think about losing weight if you have thyroid problems but first let's focus on weight loss and thyroid supplements. There are really two groups of people who are interested in using thyroid supplements for weight loss. Those who are overweight but don't have thyroid problems and those who are overweight and DO have thyroid problems. The reason that both groups of people want to use thyroid supplements for weight loss is because they know that the thyroid controls and regulates your metabolism. If you can naturally boost your metabolism then obviously weight loss will be easier. When it comes to weight loss, though, (for all types of people) you want to focus on T3. T3 is king when it comes to weight loss because T3 is THE active thyroid hormone and it contros all of the functions that we think about when we think about the thy