Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Levothyroxine and Weight gain (Why some people gain weight on levo and Synthroid)



Can levothyroxine cause weight gain? The answer may surprise you and it is a definite yes. By the way, this information all applies to SYNTHROID as well. So whether you are taking Synthroid or levothyroxine, both medications can lead to weight gain. How can a medication which is designed to improve thyroid function ultimately lead to weight gain? The answer has to do with how this medication is metabolized and utilized in your body. Levothyroxine and Synthroid contain the hormone known as T4 or thyroxine. Doctors give this medication to replace a sluggish thyroid hormone and assume that it will do this job without any issue. The problem is that T4 is NOT active and in order to be activated must go through a second step known as thyroid conversion. This conversion process produces another hormone known as T3. But the body also has the option of turning T4 into reverse T3 which COMPLETELY blocks the action of T3. Your body can take the T4 which is found within levothyroxine and synthroid and turn it