Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Thyroid Nodules - When to Worry? (Signs your nodule could be something more)



Do you have thyroid nodules? Are you worried that your nodule may be something more than just benign? If so, then this is the video for you. In this video, I will discuss the warnings signs that may indicate that your thyroid nodule is cancerous. The main thing that people worry about when they have a thyroid nodule is whether or not it is cancerous. And there are certain signs that, if present, can tip you off that your nodule may be something to worry about. Don't let this scare you though, because most nodules (about 95%) are completely benign and do NOT contain thyroid cancer. Only a few percentages of all nodules are worrisome for cancer. Take a look at these symptoms and see if your nodule fits any of these: Size - The bigger the nodule the more likely you are to have to worry about it. Here we are looking for a nodule which is SMALLER than 2.0 cm in size. Unexplained weight loss - The unexplained part is important here. You should NOT be losing weight with standard nodules. Unexplained weigh