Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Armour thyroid - 10 things you should know BEFORE using it



Whether you are thinking about using Armour thyroid or if you are already using it, you should be aware of these 10 things! These 10 things will help you to understand more about armour thyroid as a thyroid medication and whether or not it is right for you. 10 things you should know about Armour thyroid include: #1. Armour thyroid is not the only formulation of NDT. You should be aware that while armour thyroid is a great thyroid medication it is not the only (or even the best) form of NDT. #2. Armour thyroid is better for weight loss compared to Synthroid and levothyroxine. Studies consistently show that armour thyroid helps with weight loss more than Synthroid/levo. #3. Armour thyroid is the most expensive version of NDT. 1 month supply of Armour thyroid will cost you around $30 while 1 month supply of NP thyroid will run around $7. #4. It contains animal products. All formulations of NDT, including Armour thyroid, contain animal products. #5. It contains both T4 and T3. One of the reasons