Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

3 Stages of Leptin Resistance (and what they mean for weight loss)



Leptin resistance is probably the single most important factor when you determine how likely you are to lose weight. It's more important than any other hormone as it pertains to your ability to lose weight (and why you gain weight). When your leptin levels become too high your body can become resistant to your own leptin and you are said to be in a state of leptin resistance. This is a HUGE problem for many people. In fact, I believe that everyone who is overweight has some degree of leptin resistance and it's more important than other hormone imbalances such as insulin resistance. Understanding what stage of leptin resistance you have helps to determine how easy it will be for you to lose weight and how long it will take to get to your target goal. You can assess your stage of leptin resistance by checking your serum leptin level. You will want to check your serum leptin level in the FASTED state. Once you have your result you can then determine your stage by looking at the stages below: Stage 1 (