Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

7 Thyroid Therapies You Can Do At Home



Download my free thyroid resources here (including hypothyroid symptoms checklist, the complete list of thyroid lab tests + optimal ranges, foods you should avoid if you have thyroid disease, and more): https://www.restartmed.com/start-here/ Why would you want to do therapies at home? For 2 main reasons: Your doctor may only be willing to give you Synthroid (and doesn’t know about other therapies) and these therapies all help existing thyroid therapies as well. List of natural thyroid remedies and treatments: #1. The food that you put into your mouth. - Provides you with nutrients and INFORMATION - Causes or decreases inflammation - Improves gut health (20% of thyroid #2. Some medications. - Medications are 3x more expensive in the US - Available OTC in some countries Be cautious using these medications and only consider this if your doctor isn't willing to work with you. #3. Supplement protocols. Supplements work but they need to be tweaked in order to be very effective. By focusing on your gut