Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Should you use thyroid supplements if your thyroid has been removed or destroyed?



The short answer is yes, the long answer is that there are still several reasons to supplement even if your thyroid has been removed. Once your thyroid has been removed it's better to think of yourself as hypothyroid rather than hyperthyroid (because many people who have their thyroid removed have it removed for this reason). That means once your thyroid is removed most of the information you find regarding hypothyroidism is relevant to you. In addition, once your thyroid has been removed and once you take thyroid medication, there are still several steps that must occur in your body in order for you to use that medication effectively. The first is that your body must activate the thyroid hormone and turn it from T4 into the active thyroid hormone T3. This process requires several key nutrients including Zinc and Selenium. Once your thyroid hormone has been activated it must then act on the cells themselves. There are several nutrients involved in this process as well as several hormone systems. H