Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Can You Stop Taking Thyroid Medication Once You Start



Is it possible to stop taking your thyroid medication? The answer is maybe, and it depends on your situation. There are 3 main groups of patients that we need to discuss and you should try to figure out where you fit into these categories to determine if you can stop taking your medication. Group #1: Those who MUST take thyroid medication. - The first group are those people who must take thyroid medication for the rest of their lives. People in this category include people who have had their thyroid removed through surgery, those who have had their thyroid destroyed through RAI, and those who have end-stage Hashimoto's thyroiditis. If you fit into this category then you will NOT be able to stop taking your thyroid medication because your body is unable to produce it on its own. Group #2: Those who were placed on thyroid medication inappropriately. - There are a number of people who have been placed on thyroid medication inappropriately. These people were often placed on their medication because of o