Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

6 Problems with Natural Desiccated Thyroid Hormone



Download my free thyroid resources here: https://www.restartmed.com/start-here Are you currently taking Natural Desiccated thyroid hormone? Maybe you are considering using this medication. Either way, there are some things you should know BEFORE you start using it. Like any medication, NDT is not a perfect medication and it does have some problems. I'm actually a big fan of NDT as a medication and I use it on a lot of my patients, but I am also aware that it isn't perfect and it doesn't work for everyone. Some of these problems include: #1. The formula keeps changing. The inactive ingredients in Armour thyroid, for instance, have changed several times throughout the last decade. Each time they have been changed there have been a number of people in which the medication seems to not be working as well. #2. It isn't always easy to get. Doctors have a bias towards T4 only thyroid medications compared to NDT formulations. NDT, while helpful, can be very difficult to get. #3. The amount of T4 and T3 i