Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Radioactive Iodine Treatment: What to Expect Afterward



Radioactive iodine treatment is a medical treatment used to destroy your thyroid gland. It's used to treat conditions such as hyperthyroidism to help reduce the amount of thyroid hormone that your body produces. As you can imagine, destroying your thyroid gland does come with some consequences. I want to talk about those consequences and what you should expect if you get this procedure done. 6 Things to expect after Radioactive iodine treatment: #1. You are going to be radioactive. - Yes! It is true. You will be radioactive for about 5-7 days after your procedure which means you shouldn't be close to other people for that time. You can't kiss others, prepare food for others, share a toilet, and so on. This fades in about 5-7 days so don't let it freak you out. #2. You may gain weight. - This is another big one. There is about a 30% chance that you will gain weight after your procedure. Studies have tested and looked at people who undergo RAI and they have found that those who are overweight before