Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

#37 Why Thyroidectomy Patients Need T3



This video is all about why thyroidectomy patients need T3 thyroid medication. Thyroidectomy is a procedure in which your thyroid gland is completely removed. After you undergo this procedure you will be required to take thyroid medication for life. One problem that thyroidectomy patients face is persistent symptoms such as weight gain, brain fog, constipation, and fatigue after their procedure and even after taking thyroid medication. In this video, I highlight the importance of taking thyroid medication in this subgroup of patients and why the standard approach of using levothyroxine is not sufficient. There are new studies which show that approximately up to 20% of patients who don't have their thyroid is not able to achieve normal free T3 or free T4 levels by taking thyroid medication alone. And this makes sense considering that we know the thyroid produces both T4 and T3 when it is working. So why then do we only provide the body with T4 medication after it has been removed? Doctors believe