Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

#30 Menopause Weight Gain: What Causes it & How to Prevent it



Why do menopause and weight gain go hand in hand? On average women entering menopause gain around 15-20 pounds without changing their diet or exercise routine. Why do women gain weight without making any of these changes? The answer has to do with how menopause impacts the body but especially how it impacts your hormone system and how they impact your metabolism and body weight. There are several factors that come together to trigger weight gain in menopause women: #1. Genetic factors. You don't have control over your genetics but you can control your environment which impacts your genetics. #2. Hormone changes. This is perhaps the most important section because your hormones influence your metabolism and other hormone systems such as your thyroid. Menopause is associated with a rapid and abrupt decline in estrogen and progesterone. Testosterone follows closely behind these two hormones as well. It is the change in these hormones which triggers the symptoms associated with menopause and many of t