Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

TBS #24 Bad Genes that Impact Thyroid Function



Today is episode #24 and it's all about bad genes and how they impact your thyroid function. There are certain genetic changes, known as single nucleotide polymorphisms or SNP's for short, which can slightly impact certain enzymes in your body. These genes are very important when it comes to your thyroid because they can impact a set of enzymes known as the deiodinases. These deiodinases are responsible for activating or inactivating thyroid hormone at the cellular level. And they can be impacted by factors such as your genes, medical conditions, medications, and so on. There are 3 major deiodinase enzymes: - D1 - You can consider this an activating enzyme and it is responsible for 30% of T3 in the body. - D2 - You can consider this an activating enzyme and it is responsible for 70% of T3 in the body. - D3 - You can consider this an inactivating enzyme which takes T4 and turns it into reverse T3 or rT3. Certain SNP's impact the function of these enzymes which create conditions in which you may no