Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

(TBS #16) Is Salivary Cortisol Testing Worth the Money? 5 Important Things to Know



Today is episode #16 and it's all about salivary cortisol testing! Should you get this test? Should you save your money? Is it actually useful? Let's talk about these questions. The main reason that most people get salivary cortisol testing is that they believe they have a condition known as adrenal fatigue but all other tests have come up as negative (usually serum cortisol). Does that mean that getting the salivary cortisol test is worth the money? I don't think so and here are 5 reasons why: #1. The results of your test don't necessarily change your treatment. Whether you have high or low cortisol the treatment is almost always the same. Focus on sleeping more, reducing your stress, eating a healthy diet and taking adrenal supplements. #2. Treatment is often cheaper than testing. The salivary cortisol test can run anywhere from $150 to $300 and insurance typically doesn't cover it. You can usually get supplements for a fraction of that price and eating a healthy diet, getting more sleep and ex