Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

(TBS #15) Why Does Hypothyroidism (& Hashimoto’s) Cause Hair Loss?



Today is all about your thyroid and hair loss. Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism often result in hair loss in many patients which can be a big struggle. Finding the cause of hair loss in your situation is incredibly important and can help you regrow your hair. I've created 4 main categories that lead to hair loss in thyroid patients that need to be evaluated in each case of hair loss: #1. Your thyroid medication dose. If your medication is too high or too high it may result in hair loss. Most people suffer from an insufficient dose or lower than normal free T3 levels which lead to hair loss. But some patients may have a suppressed TSH and high free T3 which can also contribute to hair loss. It's important to make sure your dose is in that Goldilocks range. #2. Your iron (or other nutrients) levels. Perhaps one of the most important factors for hair growth is your ferritin or iron level. Thyroid patients are at increased risk for iron deficiency (low ferritin) which will make growing your hair back imp