Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

(Thyroid Beginner Series #5) T4 to T3 Conversion: Factors That Decrease Thyroid Function



This is video #5 in my thyroid beginner series and today is all about T4 to T3 conversion. The process by which your body creates T3 is perhaps one of the most important functions to understand. Why? Because it is within your power (through your actions) to improve this process. You will learn about what blunts or reduces T4 to T3 conversion and how to improve this conversion process. We'll also discuss how you can bypass this conversion process with the use of certain medications. Hey guys! I'm Dr. Westin Childs and I focus on thyroid health, hormone balance, and weight loss. I write about thyroid disorders, weight loss, insulin resistance, estrogen/progesterone balance on my blog. I truly believe that hormone balance is the key to managing your weight, your mood and your quality of life which is why I'm so passionate about it. I take a personalized/functional medicine approach to management of conditions. I'm not accepting patients but you can learn more and get plenty of information on my bl