Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Levothyroxine Side Effects: The Complete List + Dosing Guide for Patients



In this video I go over the complete list of Levothyroxine side effects ranging from weight gain to hair loss and everything in between. Yes, Levothyroxine can cause hair loss and it can also cause weight GAIN. How can that be if levothyroxine is supposed to boost your metabolism? In this video I explain how the metabolism of thyroid hormone in your body from T4 to reverse T3 may help explain why many people actually gain weight on this particular medication. I also go over the recommendations I give to patients if this happens to them. I also go over how to determine which thyroid medication is right for YOUR Body and how to dose your levothyroxine. When patients have reactions to levothyroxine it's from 1 of 3 reasons typically: 1) they are reacting to a filler ingredient or a dye within the medication itself. 2) they are converting or metabolizing the thyroid hormone into by products that don't promote proper activity 3) they are getting too much thyroid hormone for THEIR body (this one is le