Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

5 Reasons Armour Thyroid isn’t Helping you with Weight Loss



In this video I go over the 5 main reasons that patients who switch from Levothyroxine to Armour thyroid DON'T lose weight. Many patients believe that switching from T4 to NDT will cause immediate weight loss and are disappointed when it doesn't happen. The truth is that Armour thyroid CAN help with weight loss but you need to make sure that these 5 barriers aren't standing in your way: 1. Your dose isn't high enough - Many Doctors under dose patients when converting from T4 medication to NDT by about 50%. Use the chart in this video to make sure your dose is high enough. 2. You need more T3 added to your regimen - Several conditions like euthyroid sick syndrome or tissue level hypothyroidism make it so patients need more T3 than what Armour thyroid provides. So while armour may be a step in the right direction you may need more T3 added to your NDT. 3. You are suffering from Leptin resistance - High leptin levels decrease T4 to T3 conversion and can make weight loss impossible unless it is addressed