Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Leptin Resistance and Thyroid Resistance [8 Tips to Reverse Both]



This video will guide you through how to diagnose and treat both Leptin Resistance and Thyroid Resistance. Both of these conditions go hand in hand so its helpful to look for both if you suspect you have one or the other. Symptoms of Leptin resistance: - Weight loss resistance or the inability to lose weight - Ravenous appetite even after a large meal - Slow metabolism - Cold hands/feet/extremities - Crushing fatigue - Symptoms of hypothyroidism despite being on medication - Constant weight gain Thyroid resistance is defined as low free T3 relative to Reverse T3. In order to test for this condition you need to order both tests and look at the ratio between the two. The higher your reverse T3 the harder it is for free T3 to get into your cells which leads to thyroid hormone resistance at the cellular level. Treatment usually requires T3 medication in conjunction with the 8 tips below. 8 Steps to Reverse Leptin Resistance and Thyroid Resistance: 1. Get your thyroid evaluated and get on the right type and