Art World

Ep. 15 Guest Michael Pearce curated exhibit at Studio Channel Islands Art Center, TRAC2019



Imagine a fantastic world. Anything is possible in it, anything can be made manifest. The difficulty is to share these things with other people – how do we describe unreal things? The answer...through Imaginative Realism Listen to this amazing episode with artist, writer and curator Michael Pearce. We talk about his curated exhibit "The Illusionist" opening at Studio Channel Islands Art Center in Camarillo, Ca Exhibition Dates: March 30th – May 18 with the Opening Reception: April 6th, 4:00pm – 6:00pm Works by Roger Dean Julie Bell & Boris Vallejo Richard MacDonald Vince Natale Sandra Yagi Regina Jacobson F. Scott Hess Brad Kunkle Mark Gleason Mark Poole Brian Larsen Kenna Houtz Kathiucia Dias Conor Walton Guy Kinnear The art in this show gives us a window into the imagined worlds of the artists who made them – and what amazing worlds they are – some are dreamlike, some are frightening, some are bizarre. All of them are painted and sculpted in a way that makes them believable. This exhibition has been