Doha Islamic Events

Earning Reward by Washing Your Hands | The Coronavirus Series



Sheikh Hazem discusses how changing your intention can result in simple matters becoming rewardable - understand how this can occur with washing our hands in these days of a pandemic. Please find the references for the hadiths mentioned in this clip: Your body has a right upon you (Al-Bukhaari). There should be no harm (done to others) (Ibn Maajah; Al-Albaani: Authentic). Tie it and then rely on Allaah (At-Tirmithi; Al-Albaani: Sound (Hasan)). When one of you wakes up, he should wash his hands (Al-Bukhaari). Whenever he [the Prophet, peace be upon him] wanted to eat or drink, he would wash his hands (Ahmad; Al-Albaani: Authentic). He [the Prophet, peace be upon him] instructed Al-Baraa’ ibn ‘Aazib to perform Wudhoo’ before going to sleep (Al-Bukhaai and Muslim).