
Thrillergram Ep 204 “The Hollywoodland Vampire (Part II)”



In this week's episode of Thrillergram, we continue the "The Hollywoodland Vampire" tale. #thrillergram #horrorpodcast #vampires Cast: Isaac Robinson-Smith as Floyd Ferguson / Charles Harris Peter Chudyba as Timothy Langford Monica Ricketts as Wendy Daniels Tommy Ruddell as Cecil Vernon / Roger Sarnoff Andrew Renslow as The Examiner David Zuckerman as The Reporter Music & Sound Design by Rene Gijzemijter Technical Producer: Isaac Robinson-Smith Executive Producer: Kohl V. Bladen Apple Podcast: ThrillerGram Twitter @thrillergram Instagram @thrillergramradio Thank you for listening and tune in next week for another tale of Horror, Mystery, and the Strange.