Dialogue On Divorce

Divorce & Your Financial Security with Stacy Francis



A lot of people stay in unhappy marriages because they don’t think they can afford not to. But if you’re willing to take a close look at your finances and enlist the help of the right professionals, you can come to a peaceful resolution and navigate a divorce settlement that ensures your financial security for the long term. Stacy Francis is the Founder and CEO of Francis Financial, a fee-only, boutique wealth management, financial planning and divorce financial planning firm. A nationally-recognized financial expert with 18-plus years in the industry, she is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA), Divorce Financial Strategist and Certified Estate and Trust Specialist (CES). Stacy is also a member of the Forbes Finance Council, and she has appeared on CNBC, PBS and Good Morning America, among many other media outlets. On this episode of Divorce Dialogues, Stacy joins Katherine to explain why people are reluctant to take a close look at their finances and how she helps people get past their fear of jud