Dialogue On Divorce

Sell Your Stuff & Start Fresh After Divorce with Tiffany Ann Beverlin



It’s difficult enough to move forward with your life after a divorce. But it’s harder yet if you’re still surrounded by the furniture, jewelry, or art acquired during the marriage. Tiffany Ann Beverlin argues that it’s not necessarily healthy to live among the ashes of broken marriage when you’re trying to build a new life. But where can you go to sell those items and get a fair price? Are there options beyond eBay or the local pawn shop? Tiffany Ann is the Founder and CEO of Dreams Recycled, an online marketplace that specializes in selling items from a divorce, including engagement rings, bedroom sets and wedding dresses. Dreams Recycled also serves as an educational platform and resource guide, and the site has been recognized as the #1 divorce community in the US. In addition to running Dreams Recycled, Tiffany is a Certified Life Coach, Divorce Expert and author of My Dreams Recycled. On this episode, Tiffany Ann joins Katherine to explain how her own divorce inspired the creation of Dreams Recycled, s