Dialogue On Divorce

The Nuances of a High Net Worth Divorce with Michelle Smith



A divorce is a divorce is a divorce. And yet, there is a different layer of complication when divorce involves high net worth individuals. Whether the wealth came from an inheritance or wages earned during the marriage, there is a strong emotional charge involved as the divorcing couple sorts out who is entitled to what. Michelle Smith is one of the most sought-after divorce financial specialists in the country. As the founder and CEO of Smith FSG, she is dedicated to providing clients with guidance and expertise as they determine the best path forward through the divorce process. Michelle has 25-plus years of experience in the field, and she is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst and Divorce Mediator. Michelle is a regular contributor to national media and coauthor of Divorce & Your Finances. Today, Michelle joins Katherine to discuss what constitutes a high net worth divorce and the layers of complication involved. She speaks to the nuances of a divorce involving generational wealth versus wealth earne