Talking Stack

5 Big MarTech Themes for 2020 | 64



Brent Leary, David Raab, Anand Thaker, and host Chitra Iyer talk about 5 significant martech themes that will – or should matter in 2020: 1. The Customer Data Management space • David explains why his biggest milestone in 2019 was Salesforce, Adobe, and Oracle coming out with seemingly legit CDP’s, and “the very specific technical change” they have made since they entered the CDP conversation • Privacy is the other big significant concept. “It’s getting marketers rethinking how they will approach the concept of customer data” • Brent: will CDPs finally go beyond marketing and become an enterprise tool? • Anand: there are 2 drivers of CDP investments. “Privacy is a driver – but it’s a stick. CDPs as an engine for digital transformation/ customer experience is the more aspirational reason why CDP investments will grow – it is the carrot.” 2. Will Adtech and MarTech finally converge to cut out the biggest silo in CX? • Anand: Silos keep a lot of the possibilities around customer experience wanting • David: