Chasing Earhart

Supernova Science: A Conversation with Julie Seven Sage



I have always known that Amelia Earhart’s reach in legacy and inspiration loomed large over modern day aviation, aerospace and STEM. However, when we started this project many years ago, even I didn’t understand just how deep that reach stretched. Tonight, we’re all gonna find out. Amelia Earhart’s legacy and inspiration touches us all. And what she set out to achieve so long ago, is showing today if we look hard enough. A lot of people might argue that AE’s reach extends only to certain people, demographics or fields. However tonight, you’re all gonna find out, that AE’s legacy is alive and thriving in ways that will blow your mind. At just 15 years old, Julie Seven Sage is a living breathing example of what Amelia Earhart wanted to inspire in the 1930’s. If tonight’s episode tells you anything, it’s that Julie and young men and women like her are taking a legacy set so long ago to heights that would impress even Amelia Earhart herself.